About Us

At Carrington Blake we aim to help people and businesses alike, fulfill their full potential. We offer a service that ensures our people find the right workplace and our businesses employ the right people. The company is managed by consultants who are highly skilled and experienced within the recruitment sector.

Our Approach

Carrington Blake is passionate, proud and excited about being part of something so special.  We value customer service, and take time to understand individual client needs to focus on the value and benefits for them. 
By screening both our candidates and clients we are able to match the right people for the right jobs. We achieve this by meeting, interviewing and referencing all our candidates. We find out what makes them happy in the work place, their medium to long term career aspirations and what they want from a potential employer. On the flipside, we work with various clients to source the exact candidate they require. This involved headhunting, assessment days, psychometric testing, CV search technologies.

Our Services

We provide a professional and intelligent recruitment service matching high caliber Candidates to a varied client base quickly and effectively in Temporary or Permanent positions.
If you have any recruitment requirements for would like to learn more about the Carrington Blake Recruitment Division please click here or click on site opposite.  Alternatively give one of our consultants a call on 020 7537 6607




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